Save MIDI Files for Nalbantov

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This guide outlines the steps to save MIDI files for a Nalbantov using Disk Maestro.

Step 1: Choose Your MIDI Folder[edit]

  1. Launch Disk Maestro.
  2. Click the Choose MIDI Folder button. In the file selection dialog, navigate to and select the folder containing your MIDI files. Alternatively, you can drag and drop your MIDI files right into Disk Maestro!
  3. Wait for Disk Maestro to scan and list the MIDI files.

Step 2: Edit and Review File Titles[edit]

  1. Verify that each file has the correct title.
  2. (Optional) Edit any title by double‑clicking the title cell and entering the desired name.

Step 3: Set the Album Name[edit]

  1. In the album name field, enter the album title (for example, Classic Hits) if desired.
  2. This name will be used to create a destination folder for the saved files.

Step 4: Save Files for the Emulator[edit]

  1. Click the Save for Emulator button.
  2. In the dialog that appears, select the appropriate floppy disk size (choose between 1440 KB or 720 KB). If you're using a newer Disklavier (Mark III or later) or another player system manufactured in the late 90s or later, then 1440 KB is the correct option. Earlier systems, such as keyboards from the late 80s and early 90s, will require 720 KB.
  3. (Optional) Adjust the starting counter value if needed.
  4. Choose a destination folder for the saved files and confirm your selection.

Step 5: Complete the Process[edit]

  1. Disk Maestro will process the files by renaming and converting them as necessary.
  2. Wait until the process completes.
  3. The final output will consist of disk images (and HFE files) saved in the destination folder, ready for use with a Nalbantov.