Rename MIDI Files

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This guide provides a step‐by‐step process for renaming a batch of MIDI files using APS MIDI Manager.

Step 1: Choose Your MIDI Folder

  1. Launch APS MIDI Manager.
  2. Click the "Choose MIDI Folder" button.
  3. In the dialog box, select the folder that contains your MIDI files.
  4. Wait while the program scans the folder and displays the list of files.

Step 2: Review the MIDI File List

  • The application displays a table with each file’s name and its current title.
  • Files without an embedded title appear as "No Title Available".

Step 3: Edit the MIDI File Titles

  • Individual Editing:
    • Click the title cell of the file you wish to rename.
    • In the dialog that appears, enter the new title and confirm your change.
  • Bulk Editing:
    • Enable the Bulk Edit option.
    • Click the "…"button in the table row to begin editing.
    • Update the title directly and then click the check mark (✅) to confirm, or press Enter to move on to the next title.

Step 4: Save Your Changes

  • Overwrite Original Files:
    • Click the Save button to apply all pending title changes to the original files. Your MIDI titles are now updated!
  • Save As (Export to a New Folder):
    • Open the save menu by clicking the drop‑down arrow on the Save button.
    • Select "Save As…".
    • Choose a destination folder where the updated files will be saved.

Step 5: (Optional) Mark Files for Deletion

  • Check the "Delete Source Files" box.
  • Click the deletion marker (e.g., the X or similar icon) next to any file you wish to remove.
  • Confirm deletion when prompted.
  • The marked files will be removed from the list after the changes are saved.

Additional Options

  • Backup: Enable the backup option to create a copy of each file before renaming.
  • Convert MIDI T1 to T0: Activate the conversion feature if you need to convert files from Type 1 to Type 0.
  • Filename Shortening: Use the option to shorten filenames to the DOS 8.3 format when necessary.

Follow these steps to efficiently rename your MIDI files with APS MIDI Manager.