How to Use PSX (ESEQ Archive) Files for the Yamaha Disklavier

If you’ve downloaded music for a Disklavier Mark III or older model with a floppy drive, you might have downloaded a PSX file. If you have one of these files, hopefully this article can help you out! What Is a PSX File? For Yamaha MusicSoft, a PSX file is an archive format that contains the … Read more

Recording with the Nalbantov: The Truly Blank Disk!

In short, you probably want to download my blank virtual disk file for the Nalbantov or other emulators. These work on your Disklavier—specifically the Marks I and II—and on your computer. If you have an early Disklavier model like the DKC5R or DKC100R, you might have decided to install a Nalbantov floppy emulator in place … Read more

Upgrades for your Yamaha Disklavier! Where to Start?

This list is designed to help you understand the options for upgrades for your Yamaha Disklavier. It can be confusing, so start here! No matter what model of Disklavier you have, it’s worth looking into some good sources of music! I also have a list of free MIDI sources to recommend. See my Disklavier compatibility … Read more

Yamaha Disklavier, MIDI, ESEQ, and Floppy Disk Tools

I use a wide variety of software tools when reading floppy disks and preparing ESEQ and MIDI for the Yamaha Disklavier. Below is my attempt to compile the most useful tools I use on a daily basis. If you have any input or want any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me. WinImage A … Read more

Backing Up Yamaha Disklavier Floppy Disks with a Greaseweazle

This is an article about backing up your Disklavier Floppy Disks using a specific tool called a Greaseweazle. If you do not have a Greaseweazle, and want a straightforward and less technical solution, please see the article on backing up your Yamaha floppy disks using simply an external floppy disk drive and downloadable tools. I … Read more

Conveniently Rename all ESEQ Files for use with EEXPLORE

This Python program will recursively rename all ESEQ (.FIL) files in the specified directory, ensuring they follow the naming convention described, and convert all filenames to uppercase. If, for instance, you have twenty albums, direct this program to run in their parent directory, and all the albums in subdirectories will be corrected. I’ve recently put … Read more

Best USB Sticks for Nalbantov

Over the years of installing USB emulators in Disklaviers, I’ve become increasingly choosy about my USB sticks for Nalbantovs. My current recommendation is the Kingston 64GB DataTraveler. These are all-metal USB sticks that dissipate heat very nicely, and are durable in the event of an impact. I’ve found them to be both durable and reliable. … Read more

Nalbantov Floppy Disk Drive Upgrades

I recommend customers with worn-out floppy disk drives upgrade them to “Floppy Disk Emulators.” There are a couple of these on the market. However, the easiest to install and use is the Nalbantov USB Floppy Disk Emulator. I install these regularly in Yamaha Disklaviers, but they can also be installed in keyboards. If you order … Read more