Digital Keyboard FAQs

One or more keys play at full volume even though I’m hardly pressing them! Keyboards use very sensitive contacts to determine how fast you’re pressing the key (or the velocity). A keyboard with dirty contacts (such as the one pictured below) will misjudge velocity, and will cause the key to play at incorrect or, often, … Read more

Cleaning FAQs

How do I clean my keys? Carefully! My favorite key cleaning solution is Cory Key-Brite, which is available on Amazon. It can also be purchased at Starbird Piano in Portland or through me. Cory makes an excellent line of both cleaners and polishes, several of which are indispensable for routine piano cleaning. Lacking this, the … Read more

Piano Tuning FAQs

Why do pianos need to be tuned? Pianos go out of tune as humidity changes. Here in Maine (and New England in general), indoor humidity is highly unpredictable: Constant small fluctuations in humidity mean your piano can go out of tune even more quickly than in other parts of the country. These fluctuations can happen … Read more

Piano Moving FAQs

Who do I contact to move my piano? There are two well-established piano moving companies here in Southern Maine: The Piano Movers of Maine (207-939-3018) and Starbird Piano (207-775-2733), both of which are based in Portland. Both, in my experience, are willing to travel pretty far. If you’re a bit further up north, Gordon Large … Read more

Dampp-Chaser FAQs

What is a Dampp-Chaser Piano Life Saver System? Pianos are creatures of humidity: Small changes in relative humidity can dramatically alter both the tuning and the lifespan of the instrument. Many customers struggle to keep the space around their piano at the recommended 42-45% humidity. To solve this problem, the Dampp-Chaser Piano Life Saver System … Read more