Upgrades for your Yamaha Disklavier! Where to Start?

This list is designed to help you understand the options for upgrades for your Yamaha Disklavier. It can be confusing, so start here! No matter what model of Disklavier you have, it’s worth looking into some good sources of music! I also have a list of free MIDI sources to recommend. See my Disklavier compatibility … Read more

Using External Speakers with the Disklavier

I’ve recently installed some external speakers for various Yamaha Disklaviers. Hopefully my experience with this helps somebody else! The Yamaha Disklavier Mark IV is a well-loved, sophisticated instrument. However, upgrading its control unit to the DKC-900 offers several benefits—most notably, access to Yamaha’s Enspire radio stations and On-Demand radio. This is one of my recommend … Read more

Convert Smart PianoSoft Disks for E3 and ENSPIRE

Yamaha sold Smart PianoSoft floppy disks for Yamaha Marks III and IV. This was a revolutionary technology: You could insert a floppy disk designed to play the actual acoustic piano alongside an audio CD. In other words, the piano would accompany your CD! Yamaha released many such albums, and because the piano is accompanying the … Read more

Disklavier HQ100/MX100II Solenoid Failure

I have a customer who recently experienced an issue with his Yamaha Disklavier HQ100. The HQ100 is the Japanese version of the MX100II. He primarily uses this instrument over MIDI, and finds the Disklavier quite useful. This discussion should apply to other models of Yamaha Disklavier. Although the solenoids and part numbers differ between models, … Read more

Dampp-Chaser Long-Term Humidifier Supply

During the winter months, many clients leave the state of Maine. Their piano is left in Maine, which means there’s nobody to fill the Dampp-Chaser! This is a solution. My best estimate is that this system can supply a Dampp-Chaser with sufficient water for three months during the winter, or perhaps longer. Normally, they have … Read more

Piano Tuning FAQs

Why do pianos need to be tuned? Pianos go out of tune as humidity changes. Here in Maine (and New England in general), indoor humidity is highly unpredictable: Constant small fluctuations in humidity mean your piano can go out of tune even more quickly than in other parts of the country. These fluctuations can happen … Read more

Piano Moving FAQs

Who do I contact to move my piano? There are two well-established piano moving companies here in Southern Maine: The Piano Movers of Maine (207-939-3018) and Starbird Piano (207-775-2733), both of which are based in Portland. Both, in my experience, are willing to travel pretty far. If you’re a bit further up north, Gordon Large … Read more