Application for Easily Renaming MIDI Files

I built a simple, portable Windows tool to help you with renaming MIDI files. I’ve seen countless Disklaviers display blank or gibberish titles for their songs, and that makes finding the right song quite difficult.

You can download APS MIDI Renamer for Windows here.

A screeenshot before any MIDI files have been added.
A screeenshot before any MIDI files have been added.

Why I Made This Tool

Every Disklavier owner knows that clear, concise file names are essential—especially when your instrument’s display only shows a few characters at a time. Great performances get lost in a jumble of “TRACK001.MID” files. I built this app to cut through that clutter so you can spend less time searching and more time playing. I’ve had several customers ask me if there’s a program that does this easily, and the answer until now has been, surprisingly, no!

What It Does

Drag-and-Drop Simplicity
Just drag your MIDI files into the program. It displays each file’s current name and track title, so you can make quick edits right there in a clean table.

Easy Title Editing
Update the internal “track_name” within your MIDI files with just a few clicks. This ensures your Disklavier shows the correct title.

Portable and Ready to Go
It’s a single, portable .exe file. No installation, no extra setup. Keep it on a USB drive and use it anywhere you need.

Why This Matters

Yamaha Disklaviers combine classic piano craftsmanship with modern digital technology. But with that blend comes the need for precision—even in your file names. A well-organized MIDI library means less time fumbling through files and more time enjoying your music. This app is all about making that process as straightforward as possible.

It notices when filenames are too long for earlier Disklaviers.
It notices when filenames are too long for earlier Disklaviers.

Download and Try it Out Today!

Download my portable MIDI renamer and start organizing your files in minutes. Whether you’re cleaning up a new batch of recordings or sorting through years of performances, this tool is designed to make your life easier.

You can download APS MIDI Renamer for Windows here.

I hope this tool helps you enjoy your Disklavier even more. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help fellow musicians and Disklavier enthusiasts get the most out of their instruments.

Of course, contact me if you require assistance. If your MIDI files need to be converted to ESEQ format, see my article on that as well!