About Alexander Peppe

Alexander Peppe learned the trade of piano tuning and repair from his father, Eric Peppe, and began his tuning career with his father’s guidance. He further developed his craft as the exclusive in-house piano technician at Starbird Music for six years, where he tuned, regulated, and repaired a wide variety of both consignment pianos and new floor models. This allowed him to explore the diverse range of pianos available in Maine, and taught him the value of listening and effective communication, thanks to Starbird’s legendary salesman, John Nickerson.

Today, Alex is an independent tuner and technician, serving throughout the Southern Maine region. He enjoys getting to meet a wide variety of incredible people, their pianos, and their pets. His main goals are to provide a customer service experience that is exceptional, and for his customers to always feel their piano got more care and attention than they paid for.

With a strong foundation in acoustic piano repair and formal training in computer science and mathematics, Alex specializes in repairing Yamaha Disklaviers, hybrid pianos, and keyboards. He has a particular passion for maintaining older systems and cherishes the nostalgic sounds of vintage technology.

Alex lives with his wife Kati and his step-daughter Saoirse, on their farm sanctuary with their many animals. You can also check out their recipe blog, Plant-Based and Practical.

If you’d like to connect with Alex, please reach out through the contact page. Or reach him on the air: his callsign is WS1Q, and he’s an amateur extra class radio operator.

Web Hosting

In addition to his piano work, Alex runs a small web hosting business, and hosts both his own website, Starbird Music, Foreside Community Church, Piano Movers of Maine, and a variety of other local businesses.

You can read about his wife’s business, Diamond K9 Dog Training, or check out the Diamond K9 Facebook Page.

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